Golden Triangle update Feb28

Trailblazers were out yesterday to check the condition of trail between Letter M and O.  Some snow was bladed back onto trail by seismic company but trail still very icy and rough.  Did not make it to N as a ravine was impassable on existing trail due to ice, icebanks, and ruts.  We will look […]

Feb 24 Groomer Report

Goodwin Lake trail, Manweiler Trail to Athabasca, and Summit Trail from town to cabin was groomed on Feb 23.   Trails are hard-packed and smooth...still need scratchers.  No fresh snow yet. Town to Staging Area then on to Gundy Rest Area trail is being groomed today. Seismic activity is ongoing around Letter N between Whitecourt and […]


Thanks to all participants, sponsors and volunteers for making the 2011 Whitecourt Trailblazers Poker Rally a huge success. The turn out was better expected with -30° overnight temperatures. Congratulations to Whitecourt's Sheldon Hogan the winner of the 2011 Polaris RMK-PRO and to all other prize winners throughout the weekend. Hope to see you all again […]

Feb 17 Report

Trailblazers groomer has been busy as conditions permit. Trails are still hard and fast...scratchers needed. Remember the BIG RALLY is this weekend!!

Golden Triangle update

All sections of the Triangle have been groomed or travelled by snocat except for the area around Letter N between Blue Ridge Haul road and Freeman River.  Seismic activity bladed the snow off the trail for several kilometres.  The trail was supposed to be returned to normal last week, but Trailblazers have not confirmed that.  […]


Manweiler Trail was officially opened on February 01, 2011 in conjunction with the 2011 VIP & Media Ride. The Club decided that the 2011 VIP & Media Ride would showcase portions of the new trail system developed in 2010 through the NTC Trail Development Program through grants from the Federal and Provincial Governments. The 2011 […]

Feb 10 update

Virginia Hills Trail to Gundy Rest Area was groomed Wed. Town to Blue Ridge Haul Road was groomed Tuesday. Town to Summit Cabin and Manweiler Trail from Summit Cabin to Athabasca River was groomed Monday. No fresh snow recently.  Trails are hard and fast and excellent..scratchers needed.  Snow is settled in bush. Please buy a […]

Triangle trail

The seismic company who bladed off the trail, without knowledge of Trailblazers, by letter N has promised to have snow back on the trail for Wednesday, Feb 9th.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Thank-You JT Enterprises!!

THANK YOU Our snowmobile club is so incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by some amazing people and businesses throughout our community who support us in any way they can! We just wanted to send out a very special THANK YOU today to ! Jason went above and beyond for us over the weekend by getting […]

TRAIL REPORT – Thursday February 6th, 2025

The Whitecourt area has received between 20-30cm of new snow over the past week. We have started grooming operations on both the north and south trails. All trails have been groomed at least once. Staging Areas Both staging areas are open for the season. Use caution if you are leaving the parking lot or trail […]

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