I rode the Bessie creek and Manweiler trail to the river today and they were in really good shape. Also sent to the Shinningbank lookout. It was not good at all. Low snow in lots of spots and no snow in other spots. I do not suggest riding the silver summit trail unless we get […]
WE NEED MORE SNOW! We have received an inch or two of new snow in the past 10-12 days. The trails to the south are in pretty good shape. The Summit Trail is holding up well and the new Bessie Creek trail is in great shape. Trails are bumpy in spots and have a few […]
We are MOVING THE VIP & MEDIA RIDE to the WESTWARD COMMUNITY CENTRE (8KM s on Hwy 32). PLEASE NOTE OUR VIP & MEDIA RIDE THAT WAS SCHEDULED TO OCCUR ON FRIDAY JANUARY 29TH, from the Eagle River Staging area HAS BEEN MOVED. We will be leaving at 12:00pm and we will be going on […]
TRAIL REPORT FOR JANUARY 14, 2016. Similar to last week's report. We have received some new snow! South Trails: The Groat Creek Trail and staging area has not been groomed yet this season as the low snow conditions make it impossible to have enough snow to fill creeks and to pull the drag. This trail […]
We are hosting our annual VIP & Media Ride - January 29, 2016 at Eagle River Staging area at 12:00pm. Please RSVP your attendance. ASA has graciously donated our lunch on the trail and the Eagle River Casino has donated Appies at the Eagle River Casino after the ride.
We have received some new snow!! While its not much we will take it. The South Groomer operator has been hard at work this week with one day even starting at 3AM!!! The following trails were groomed this week and look pretty prime for the weekend. The Groat Creek Trail has not been groomed yet […]
Trail Conditions are rough. The south trail that was groomed held up over the Christmas Rush but is now very rough and hard packed. It is rideable but is not in the best shape. We gambled on the fact that we would have more snow by now and so far the snow has not come. […]
The Whitecourt area has received around 5cm of new snow over the past week. We have started grooming operations on both the north and south trails. Please note that not all trails have been completed at this time. Staging areas: Both staging areas are open for the season. Use caution if you are leaving the […]