Casino Volunteers Needed! We are very fortunate to be able to fundraise/volunteer for an AGLC Casino Event at the Apex Casino in St. Albert, July 28 & 29th-it is a Saturday and Sunday. We are looking for volunteers to help us out for the evening shifts 11:00pm to 3:30am (often we are out by 2:00am). […]
We have a couple of weekends left for our group campground at Eagle River Staging Area (2km n of Eagle River Casino Hwy 32n). May 25 & 26th and August 17/18. September 14/15 and on are open as well. $200/night. Call the Forest Interpretive Centre to book - 780-778-3433.
Due to rain we are postponing our clean up tonight. Please come help us out on Tuesday, May 15th instead. We are looking for volunteers to help with the Eagle River Staging Area cleanup for our summer renters. We generally do a cleanup of the leaves and any fallen trees in the area. We will […]
THANK YOU Our snowmobile club is so incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by some amazing people and businesses throughout our community who support us in any way they can! We just wanted to send out a very special THANK YOU today to ! Jason went above and beyond for us over the weekend by getting […]
The Whitecourt area has received between 20-30cm of new snow over the past week. We have started grooming operations on both the north and south trails. All trails have been groomed at least once. Staging Areas Both staging areas are open for the season. Use caution if you are leaving the parking lot or trail […]