CONDITION OF TRAILS: Trails are in excellent condition. HAZARDS: LARGE WATERWAYS ARE STILL A HAZARD, THEY ARE NOT COMPLETELY FROZEN, DO NOT CROSS! GROOMING: South side trails are all groomed. Just groomed is Manweiler, Bessie, Summit to Cabin and Groat. North all groomed except 1 section will not be groomed this year as it requires […]
We are super excited to be a part of this new promotion on the Golden Triangle. Consider riding in all the rallies in our area and become the 2020 “Iron Sledder”
We are so pumped for our upcoming event. Did you know that our Freestyle Event is Free, in lieu of admission, please bring a food item to donate to the Food Bank.
Whitecourt Trail Report - JANUARY 24, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: Groomed Trails are super on the south side and fully groomed. Some fresh snow out on the trails towards Tom Hill Tower. We are still working on the north side filling and grooming. TRAIL CLEANING: Trails are all cleaned, if you come across leaners, it's great when […]
RECOMMENDATION: Groomed Trails are super on the south side. The north side/Golden Triangle section and connectors, we will be getting out to finish packing and filling and grooming will start on the January 25th weekend. TRAIL CLEANING: Trails are cleaned. CONDITION OF TRAILS: Trails are in good condition. HAZARDS: Large waterways are still a hazard. […]
Would you like to be a Sponsor for the biggest event in Whitecourt?
We are still looking for sponsors for the Freestyle Event - February 14-16, 2020. Octane Addictions will be performing their X-Games stunts and maneuvers for 2 shows. This is the only show in Alberta this year. This is our 3rd Invasion with the stunting group and they are very entertaining. We are expecting approximately 4000-5000 […]
We received 4-6" of fresh snow last weekend. Temperatures are cold for the next week. TRAIL CLEANING: Trails are all cleaned. CONDITION OF TRAILS: Trails are in good shape. HAZARDS: Larger waterways are not frozen. GROOMING: South side is groomed up to Tom Hill Tower. North Side IS NOT GROOMED. STAGING AREAS: Eagle River & […]
THANK YOU Our snowmobile club is so incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by some amazing people and businesses throughout our community who support us in any way they can! We just wanted to send out a very special THANK YOU today to ! Jason went above and beyond for us over the weekend by getting […]
The Whitecourt area has received between 20-30cm of new snow over the past week. We have started grooming operations on both the north and south trails. All trails have been groomed at least once. Staging Areas Both staging areas are open for the season. Use caution if you are leaving the parking lot or trail […]