2022 Alberta Snowmobile ATV and Offroad Show
October 14-15, 2022
Edmonton Expo Centre
The Whitecourt Trailblazers Club will be at the show in The Golden Triangle booth with Swan Hills Snow -Goers and Fox Creek Northland Sno-Goers. Come see us and catch up on the season plans. Please note that the show hours have changed as well as the times of the show:
Friday, October 14 - 12:00pm to 9:00pm
Saturday, October 15 - 9:00am to 9:00pm
It's Back - The 35th Annual AB Snowmobile ATV & Off Road Show, presented by GMC! Western Canada's Largest show of its kind, featuring the new lineup of 2023 Snowmobiles, ATV'S, Gear and Apparel. Family friendly, lots of prizes and a new Video Wall with daily programming and films from Thunderstruck and REV TV.
Get your early bird tickets for the show and save $3 per person.
Children - 12 and under are FREE.
Come and see whats new for the OHVS and stay for the all Day Beer Gardens!