A big thank you to everyone who came out to our A.G.M. We are pleased to announce our new Executive Group:President - Jordan ForseilleVice President - Jeff BrooksPast President - Roxanne BrownTreasurer - Shirley PicardMemberships - Elaine GundersonIndustry Liaison - Ray HiltsSafety Co-Ordinator - Denis BlainFacilities - Robin SeboSouth Trail Boss - Dave BilauNW Trail […]
CongratulationsLeah Cote & Sharon MalliouxWe attended the What's Out There Event at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre last week. Congratulations to Sharon and Leah - they entered our draw and won a Trailblazers Toque. Reminder we have hats for sale if you are interested in purchasing one, please drop us a note.
Sledding season is around the corner. We will be at this event, come chat with us about our season and any other questions you may have about sledding in our area. Community & Recreational Events Information Evening. September 14, 2023.
Saturday, January 18th UPDATE The Whitecourt Area has received substantial wind storms which has caused some trees to fall across our trails. While our volunteers have made it to some areas, PLEASE USE EXTRA CAUTION as there may be hazards/fallen trees on the trails. Or possibly volunteers working as well. Thank-you Trail Report Thursday January […]