Have you ever heard these quirky and slang terms before?
*water closet
*urination station
*country blumpkin
*caca castle
We are pleased to present you with 3 new outhouses at our 3 cabin locations on the trail system:
Summit Cabin (Sponsored by TriJet Services and GMacRitchie Forestry Services)
Carson Cabin (Sponsored by Jason Thomas Enterprises Ltd.)
Gundy Cabin (Sponsored by TrimLine Design)
Thank you to our outhouse builder Jeff Brooks and his side kicks Garry Mitchell and Cindy Brooks. Thanks to the transportation crew - Dave Newbury, Derek Rooks, Jason Forseille, Richard Picard, Roxanne Brown, Jeff Brooks, Dave MacLeod, Carrie-Ann and John White for making it happen.
A big thank you to United Rentals for the use of the hoe and trailer, Carlan/Tri Jet for the skidsteer and Profoxx Rentals for the trailer to transport the outhouses.