Dear Thief

Dear Thief:

After many attempts and some successes, we are writing you a note to say STOP. We are tired of fixing doors, handles, casings, walls, windows and replacing items that you have stolen. Every year we deal with this issue multiple times and every year we continue to ask WHY? Every time you steal split wood from our woodsheds, axes, lights and generators we get so frustrated with you. If it's wood you need, please send us a note and we will help you when we split wood for our shed. If it's lights-we could probably find something to help you out. Axes, well we have given you enough (yearly) and generators they are ours.

Please thief, we are a non-profit organization that is made up of volunteers with grants, sponsors and lots of hard work and we are tired of supplying you with items that are not yours.  

PS:  We don't have copper wire, fuel, liquor or other items for re-sale, so don't come again.


Every stick of wood gone last week and last night was our Groomer Shed door was trashed. It's a sad day.

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