Friendly Reminder to Avoid Snowmobiling on Farmlands

This is a friendly reminder that snowmobiling on private farmland is trespassing and can damage next year's crops.  Many of the farmlands around have been seeded for winter crops.  Please respect the farmland and do not snowmobile on any land that you do not have permission to be on.  

A notice was sent to us specifically about the area between the sewage plant and the Merrifield Farm-Yard on Flats Road.  They have winter crops in that section and will have the section blocked off with concrete blocks. The field along the road close to the sewage plant will be ok to ride on still.  If you see no trespassing or private property signs, please be respectful and refrain from snowmobiling in that area. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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