Jan 15/15 Trail Report

Trail Report for Jan 15/15
Trail Conditions
All South trails have been groomed within the last week including Groat Creek Canyon Trail, Goodwin Lake Trail, Summit Trail and the Manweiler Trail to the River. The trail to silver summit has had the creeks filled but there is not enough snow that way to pull the groomer due to blowing snow in the cut blocks.

Most of the trails in the North (east of highway 32) have been groomed and are in great condition, these include the Carson loop, Eagle Loop and the Athabasca Lookout. Caution is still advised with the early snow conditions there are still a lot of leaning trees and weak trees along the trail that could fall with more snow.
Gundy is still now open and has been groomed and is in great shape.
Carson Cabin to letter 0 has not been groomed and will be cleaned this weekend hopefully, then we can send a groomer late next week or early the week after
Please use Extreme Caution when crossing water including rivers, lakes, ponds and streams
Next Club meeting Feb4/15 @7:30pm at the Whitecourt Legion

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