Jan 9-14 Trail Report

We are still fighting drooping trees these trees really slow down groomer operations. If you are out and see droopers please cut them if you can it only takes you a second or too, as well if you see a branch in the middle of the trail stop and throw it off to the side, this will make it easier for the groomer drivers and will really speed up operations.

We are still having technical difficulties with the groomers! The North groomer is fighting a electrical gremlin, that we have yet to track down. Prinoth is coming out today with there computer software and technician to see if they can get it running. The South Groomer (newer of the two) had the starter fail on it this week, and of course it is a specific 24v starter and the closest one was in Reno, ya Nevada lol. The starter will be here today and we hope to have the one groomer running today and working ASAP. The plan is to finish filling in creeks and clean the Eagle River staging area parking lot out today, and then move to the South and groom the Summit Loop (Summit Trail and the Goodwin Lake trail) on Friday.

Eagle river staging area is open and the front parking lot was plowed out last week.

The North trails are open, and most of the trails that have been groomed. The Athabasca lookout trail from the Eagle River staging (1) area to the Carson cabin (13), the Gundy trail from the Staging area (1) to the Gundy cabin (44), as well as from the Gundy cabin (44) to the Chickadee burner (41) were all groomed on New Years eve. The Golden Triangle is currently unpassable due to blowing snow and drooping trees. It is our goal to have the entire Golden triangle groomed out but Feb 1st.

The Groat Creek Staging area is open but has not been plowed out, please use caution if you are planning on parking at this staging area before we get it plowed out.

The south trails were all groomed before Christmas including the Goodwin Lake trail and the Summit trail right from town, as well as the Manweiler trail to the river and the Groat Creek staging area (38) to the Summit Cabin (33). These trails have not been groomed since before Christmas but we will be working on getting these trails re-groomed this week.

Extreme Caution is advised when crossing any waterways including rivers, creeks, ponds and lakes.

Also note that the Whitecourt Town bylaw permits sleds to ride from town to the trail system on designated trails ONLY!!

Upcoming events

Next Club general Meeting is Feb 12th @7:30pm downstairs at the Whitecourt Legion, Everyone is welcome

The club is planning a AVY AST1 course on Jan 27-28 in the evening, More details to follow this week.

2014 VIP Media Ride is Jan 29th at 12 noon

2014 Whitecourt Sled Rally is Feb15 and 16th

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