Did You Know
We Have Maps Available
Through Our Website?
We often get asked where is the paper map copy? We have our maps available through our website to print. The perfect map is a 11 x 17 and you can read the detail with ease. We recommend you print (use Firefox Browser) and laminate it yourself (or send to a copy place and ask for laminated or the tearless paper). The map has distances, marker points Whitecourt Trailblazers' Facilities, The Golden Triangle Trail System and some rules.
In addition, we have 2 Whitecourt In-Town Maps that show the routes out of town as well as in-town trails that can be printed.
If you are a Garmen User or other gadget user, we have a GPX Map with GPS points for download. Our favorite is the Google Map that is very friendly that we have GPS locations marked. You can use it in various views.
In addition, we have a simple Quick Trail System Map that includes our trail names and our facilities for reference.
We have numerous maps and signs on the trail system, take a picture of our large map next time you are out, it is the same as the 11x17 map.
There are other maps available to purchase through the APP Store that have been developed. The ideas are endless. Please take the time before you head out to plan your route.
PLEASE NOTE: The Golden Triangle has points designated by letters and our points on the Trailblazers' Maps are by numbers and names.