Ride Whitecourt – The Golden Triangle – Iron Sledder Challenge

We are holding The Golden Triangle Iron Sledder Challenge - Whitecourt Trailblazers Club Ride March 12 to March 19th. Please ride any of those days on the North Trail (Golden Triangle) Section. Please email 2 locations (Eagle River Staging, Carson Cabin or Gundy Cabin) pictures beside either the Iron Sledder Poster or QR Check-In Poster to be eligible for the Iron Sledder Challenge. If you only participate in the Whitecourt Ride, you will be eligible for the GT - $250 Whitecourt Ride. You must have participated in either the Swan Hills Rally or Fox Creek Rally to be awarded the Golden Sledder. Participation in all three events, qualifies you for the Iron Sledder Award. Please send those pictures to goldentrianglesled@gmail.com before March 19th - 6:00pm. Draws for The Golden Triangle Iron Sledder will be made on March 20th. For more details please see the information attached. If you still need more information, please pm us.

Here are a few of our participants who will be awarded either the Iron Sledder, Golden Sledder or GT-Whitecourt Awards as they participated in the past couple of days in Whitecourt and qualify for draws and awards on The Golden Triangle for the season through the Swan Hills and Fox Creek Rallies.

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