BIG THANK YOU to everyone who purchased sled raffle tickets this season - it's a big help with funding to improve our trails!
Thank you to everyone who came out for the sled draw on Saturday; always a pleasure to see our members and supporters. We had a surprise visit from our ASA Zone Rep Debbie Westman - nice to see you (thanks for drawing the name for our sled winner).
We want to thank Westward Community Centre for letting us crash the parking lot at the hall. Tri Jet Services Inc. a big thank you for sponsoring the event with food, fire and delivery of the sled. Always a great opportunity to partner with great community contributors.
Thank you to Riderz who discounted and supplied the sled for us. Riderz has always been so good to us for multiple promotions-greatly appreciated. Canadian Tire displayed the sled for us from December until the draw - Thank you for that.
Congratulations to Aaron Dawson from Whitecourt on winning the sled. Aaron and his team from Diesel Worx are great supporters of the Club. Enjoy many future adventures with your new sled Aaron and hope to see you on the trails.