Trail Cleaning, Wood Stocking & Moving Buildings Updates

Folks have been out cleaning the past month and getting the trails and facilities prepped for the white stuff and then grooming can begin. We have had above 0c temperatures the past couple of weeks-- we sure need frost and then snow to get our season going.

A big thank you to ANC for helping us with supplying, splitting and transporting wood into a dump trailer. In addition, CANFOR supplied us with wood for our sheds. We will be looking for help to move buildings and offload wood at the Athabasca Lookout on Saturday (November 18th) at 9:00am. Please meet at Brooks's yard. Please let us know if you can help with either of the tasks.

Thank you to all the members who have been helping with so many activities this fall. You are appreciated!!

Don't forget to grab a safety bin for all your safety needs out on the trails. We have everything - safety helmets with visors, chaps, glasses, ear muffs, vests, wood picks, first aide kits etc. Please contact Denis to grab a bucket - 780-778-1284.

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