Trail passes

Good Morning

As some may have heard through the news and social media, The IGA in Whitecourt, who is a huge supporter of the Whitecourt Trailblazers, has had the roof collapse and is currently closed. The closure will be for what we can assume is the rest of the season. We would like to thank Ken Linford family, and the staff of the IGA for the continued support and for their hard work in this club as well as in the community and we look forward to them reopening when the damages have been repaired.

Going forward trailpasses will be available at First Choice Husky Car Wash on the Hill, RPM Powersports, and Adrenaline Powersports. Also starting this weekend we will have someone at the Staging area to sell passes as well.

WE would like thank the members who have bought passes already for the support, and encourage any that have not yet got a pass to support the club and purchase a trailpass. We realize that we have  had mechanical problems but we are working on them and are looking to have a great season either way. Volunteers spend countless hours each year cleaning trails, chasing down paperwork, installing signs, building and maintaining cabins, outhouses and lookouts.

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