Trail Report – December 18, 2022


We are excited to be giving you a trail update.  Our snow levels are varied throughout the trail system.  We have 4"-12" in areas in the south.  In the north, snow levels are from 4-6".   Some trails are great and some are a bit rough.  The south side has been groomed and is good enough to ride.  We are still filling the north trails and having some difficulty with low snow levels filling in ruts and creeks.   We do not recommend riding in the north at this time.  All of the warm up shelters on the system are stocked with wood and good to go.  Please remember our snow cats operate at any time of the day, so be on the lookout for them while they work. Please ride with caution as our conditions are still early riding. We are hoping to get some snow over the Xmas Holiday season.  It looks like it's warming up quite nicely for Xmas - Enjoy getting out whether its sledding, tobogganing or skiing!

Trail Maintenance/Filling:  South Trails: All trails have been filled except the trail from south of the Summit Cabin (Summit Trail) to Tom Hill Tower area. North: We were able to fill some of the trails up to the Carson Cabin.  There are many bare spots and low snow in tree areas, ruts and creeks.  

Grooming:  The South Side has been groomed from the Summit trail to the Summit Cabin, Summit, Bessie, Manweiler and Goodwin Trails.   Groat Creek staging area, Groat Creek Canyon Trail and to the Summit/Tom Hill connector.  North Side - No grooming due to lack of snow.   

2-Staging Areas:  South Side-Groat Creek Staging on Hwy 32 south of Whitecourt will be opened by the end of the week and North Side Eagle River Staging Area north of the Casino on Hwy 32 will remain closed until we get more snow.

Hazards:  Please be cautious of lower snow levels on the trails due to ruts; they can be rough riding.  Large water bodies are not frozen.  Please be cautious for signage and re-routing on the trails in the north and the south this coming winter.  We have made many changes with flattening some hills, widening, mowing and mulching various trails.  Re-routing/Bypasses have been completed; please watch for signs or ribboning.  Please stay on trails as there has been recent logging in a few areas and that means stumps and bumps.    Lots of work has been completed this year on our trails, a big thank you to all the crews and their efforts.  

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