Trail Report - December 31,2019
We have not received any fresh snow for a couple of weeks. We are working hard to get trails cleaned on the north side. Please see details. Trails Groomed on most of the south side.
RECOMMENDATION: Please ride with care due to lack of snow. We have about 18” but could certainly use more.
TRAIL CLEANING: 90% of the trail system is cleaned we are having major issues with wet areas close to Gundy trail system - North East trails are open for sleds, but not groomed, North West on Gundy has not been done due to inability to cross Carson, Sakwatama and Chickadee with the snow cat. High water flow is not allowing ice to form at sufficient depth to cross with equipment. Trees down east of Sakwatama however, we are still working to remove fallen trees. If you are out, please use caution.
CONDITION OF TRAILS: Trails are in decent condition, but ride with caution.
HAZARDS: Numerous hazards on trails associated with low snow levels. All waterways, creeks and muskeg are not frozen. Muskegs are very wet still. If you come across ribboned areas, please use caution.
GROOMING: south side- Summit, Goodwin, Trails have been groomed. Will be grooming Bessie and Manweiler this week.
STAGING AREAS: Eagle River & Groat Creek Staging Areas are open to the public.
USE CAUTION: Please beware, that we have industry working in the south and north in various locations.
TRAIL/MEMBERSHIP PASSES: Don’t forget to buy your Trail or Day Pass prior to going out. $80 before January 1 after that they are $90. Your support helps us to groom and maintain trails. Don't forget to pick up a Sled Raffle Ticket as well at our participating dealers and stores.