TRAIL REPORT FEBRUARY 8/18. We are happy to report that we have over 2' of snow on our trail. Most trails have been groomed and are looking fantastic.

South Side: Summit to Cabin.  Manweiler, Bessie Creek, Goodwin and the Groat Trail.

North E and W Side: Gundy Manweiler Gundy Cabin to Chickadee, Chickadee Creek to Casino and down to #21. Eagle Staging to Carson Cabin via Athabasca Lookout, #'s 16, 15, 14, Carson Cabin to #19 via #s 9,10,18 trails have been Groomed.

We are looking forward to hosting our Annual Family Snowmobile Rally on Family Day Weekend. It is a two day rally that you can go either day. A different route is planned for both days. We will be staging from the Seniors Circle downtown Whitecourt. Registration is 8:00 - 11:00. Entry fee is $10 with an ASA Day Pass. Come and ride our trails, bring your family and win prizes. Thank you to all of our volunteers and donators. Happy riding!! (Members and invitees)

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