Trail Report for Dec 12/13

Sorry about the late Report

Eagle river staging area is open and is plowed out.

The north trails are open but not groomed, we had a small hiccup with the groomer and hope to have it fixed and working by tomorrow morning.  Please ride with caution while riding on the north trail, if we get the groomer going it is possible that we will be grooming all weekend 24hr.

The south trails have been groomed to the south, including the Goodwin Lake Trail, The Summit Trail, the Manweiler Trail to the River and to the Groat  Creek Staging Area. The Trail to Silver Summit has only been groomed to KM 10.

Extreme Caution is required during early season riding. Swamps, Beaver Dams, Creeks, Lakes, Rivers, are NOT frozen under the snow. It is NOT recommended to cross any wet areas / water ways. Riders should use the entire width of the trail system (from tree line to tree line) in order pack the snow and drive the frost down into the ground in preparation for the upcoming grooming season.

Also please remember to buy your Trail Passes, annually Whitecourt Trailblazers volunteer hundreds if not thousands of hours to maintain trails. We own two Groomers with an approximate cost of $200000EACH and last season we spent approximately $32000 to groom the trails for the season!!

Your Support is Appreciated

Trail Passes are available from Whitecourt IGA, Adreanaline Powersports, RPM Powersports and any club member.

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