Trail Report – March 1, 2023

We received 2-4" the past week with small amounts of dusting.  The trails are in super shape.  Fresh snow varies over the trail system. 

The south side has been fully groomed, with some trails being groomed two times in the last week.  Manweiler Trail was only groomed once and is in excellent shape.  The airport area up to the Y is a bit rough, but once you are past, it is smooth sailing.  The north has not been groomed since last week.  Overall, the north and south trails are in the best shape they have been this winter.  Enjoy the ride!

Both staging areas are open.  

Hazards:  Reminder that our trail ends at the banks of all water bodies.  There is a fair bit of flood water on all water crossings.  Cross at your own risk.     Please be cautious for signage and re-routing on the trails in the north and the south during this winter.  We have Forestry Industry adjacent to many of our trails, therefore a heads up and stay on the trails.  Please do not use the Oldman Road (south - Hwy 32) as it is being used as a log haul road.  

Don't forget to pickup an annual ASA Membership Pass or Day Pass if you are heading out to ride.  They are available at Adrenaline Powersports, RPM Powersports, Whitecourt Service Centre, IGA-Whitecourt and First Choice Truck and Carwash.  $90 - Trail Pass and $25 Day Pass.  Also available online at

GOLDEN TRIANGLE REPORT:  Swan Hills, Fox Creek and Whitecourt Trails- received some fresh snow this past weekend (2-4").  We have great bases and the fresh snow has made the trails very good.  Swan Hills Trails-Snow Cat will be re-grooming to Harold's Hut and Goose Tower area before the weekend.    Fox Creek will be grooming the section to Whitecourt soon.  In addition, beware of logging adjacent to the trails on all the routes.  A reminder:  Fox Creek Snowmobile Rally is on Saturday March 11th - please see their website or Facebook for more details.   Don't forget to do the QR Check at the Golden Triangle Cabins & Staging Areas to enter to win cash. 

South Side - Photo Courtesy of Don Price - February 28, 2023
Photo courtesy of Don Price - February 28, 2023

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