Trail Report March 10, 2022
Trails are in excellent shape. We had fresh snow this past weekend. Hope you are planning on riding this weekend, the trails are epic and unfortunately our winter season is coming to an end soon, with not many riding days left. The trails are not in spring conditions yet, but warmer temperatures are coming.
Grooming: North Side Grooming - This week we groomed Carson Cabin via Athabasca Lookout back through the Carson Lake Trail and over to the staging area and back to the Athabasca Lookout. All the other trails were groomed last week. South Side Grooming - This week's grooming consists of the Goodwin, Groat Creek, Manweiler and Bessie Trails. All the other trails were groomed last week.
Hazards: North Side: Reminder of the Golden Triangle Re-route from Carson Cabin to Athabasca to Casino to Manweiler and Virginia Hills trails Gundy Trail (Golden Triangle Section) to Hwy 32n is closed. PLEASE NOTE: On March 10 & 11 and March 14 & 15 the trail will be closed at the #9 & #10 area and also the trail off of the Virginia Hills onto the Whitecourt trail system will be closed due to Pipeline Construction. These intersections are being manned with flaggers as they are being open cut. Please watch for signs. South Side: The Airport Logging, adjacent to our trail, has closed down a section just prior to the Airport trail. Please watch for signs and ribbon indicating the re-route (Please note it has been groomed). Silver Triangle connectors on the south and north have been groomed as well. PLEASE NOTE: We are also re-routing a trail adjacent to an ever troubling beaver dam area 2 kms east of the Carson Cabin. The work will be completed on Friday March 10 and Saturday March 11. Please be cautious riding through the area as we will have equipment and there will be a safety person on a sled on site. They will be skidding trees to the Carson Cabin please use caution. Be cautious on all waterways- large and small. You are crossing at your own risk and our trail ends at the banks.
Staging Areas: Groat Creek Staging and Eagle Staging areas are open
Golden Triangle Trail System from Whitecourt to Fox Creek and Swan Hills is in excellent shape!
Enjoy the rest of winter!