Trail Report March 4, 2021
Whitecourt – Spring riding conditions – warm temps and low snow. What snow we did have is disappearing fast. People are still riding, but please ride with caution and slow down. We received 3-4" on the weekend, but have experienced above 0c all week.
March 1-March 5th -Please beware of heavy equipment on the Carson Trail between #6 to #9 and the Carson Lake Trail. We are doing overhead brushing and clearing on these two trails!! We will advise when it is safe to proceed on these trails.
North Side: Snow is skinny (6-12″) on the north trail system. Chickadee Burner to Virginia Hills has decent snow. All trails are rideable, but ride cautiously in these lower snow areas. No access to northside trail via river. OPEN WATER-Please stage at Eagle River Staging area. Beware of logging on trail from Carson Cabin to Freeman.
South Side: Snow is 6-12″ on south side. Bessie and Manweiller and to the Athabasca River are decent riding. Summit Cabin to Tom Hill has snow, but has not been groomed. Ride with caution on all trails as bare spots are showing in lower snow areas. We Would not recommend Goodwin Lake trail as hills are showing bare spots.
Whitecourt: Trail from Carson Cabin to Letter O has been cleaned but not groomed.
Fox Creek:
The trails getting out of town ( first 2km) are not great it’s low and soft. After that they are good a bit bumpy but enough snow to ride.
Swan Hills: Received a few inches last weekend, groomer was out this week to the west and east, it's going to be am awesome weekend for riding and rooms are great rate, get out and be safe