Trail Report December 16, 2021

We have approximately 12” of snow on the system and are advising of early sledding conditions.

Grooming: We will start filling and moving snow next week. No grooming yet. Please beware of snow cats as they can be out at any time of the day or night.
Hazards: Beware of large waterways. Trails are rough from deep ruts. Please watch for low snow areas and uneven ground.
Staging Areas: Will be open and cleared

Pipeline Construction Crossings: Unfortunately the Gundy Trail #44 East of Cabin/Golden Triangle to the Sakwatamau/Letter K has multiple pipeline crossings on the trails which have resulted in crossing closures. 9 crossings are effected on our northern trails. We have NOT been given any timelines, but will be notified when they are working on the crossings on the trails. Please use caution and beware of signs of speed or work being completed this coming season. The Golden Triangle is being re-routed from the Carson Cabin to the Eagle River Casino to Chickadee Creek/Manweiler to the Gundy Cabin to Virginia Hills. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. This is beyond our control. Please check our website for updates of closures.

Temporary Trail Closure: Between #9 and #11 (Carson Trail and Carson Lake Trail). December 15-17th.

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