Whitecourt Trailblazers Trails

ATV RIDERS!!! Did you know that there is no recreational ATV Riding permitted on our trails or any other trails built and maintained by Snowmobile Clubs in Alberta? Did you know that we- Whitecourt Trailblazers spend close to $100,000 on maintaining trails per year? Volunteers maintain the trails, cabins and lookouts. The less damage that we have on our trails from summer riding the better it is and easier it is for grooming the trails.So, when you are out having fun in the mud and the trails deeply gouged or rutted, we in turn spend a great deal of time fixing them in the fall. If you hear of any Rally's or events that are not affiliated with the Whitecourt ATV Club or other Official ATV Clubs in Alberta, please do not join the event.

Our Club is not in support of the use of our cabins for such events. The sled club owns the cabins and the dispositions on the location where they are located. PLEASE NOTE: OUR CABINS ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR OVERNIGHT STAYS FOR HUNTERS OR ATV RIDERS!! It is against SRD Regulations and you do not have permission to.

In addition, if you are leaving your house in town, please abide by the OHV Bylaw in place by the Town of Whitecourt. OHV use between December 1 and March 31.

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