Mid Week Trail Report – February 8, 2022

Come visit us, we have snow and great trails!  
Our trails are holding up very well despite the warm weather and winds.  We have a very good base and they are definitely rideable.  We have had numerous reports of great riding on the Golden Triangle connectors both North and North East sections.  In addition, snow to the south is plentiful.  

We are hosting our Rally February 19 and 20th and anticipate there will be plenty of snow.  Don't forget we have 2 routes open to ride - north and south with staging at the Eagle River Casino and Westward Community Centre.  There is $500/day up for grabs just for registering online https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2022-whitecourt-trailblazers-annual-family-rally-tickets-246756103147. We encourage you to purchase your registration and passes online, but we are also having manual registration at our registration sites - Eagle River Staging Area Gazebo and Westward Community Centre Gazebo.  Remember that you do not have to be there to win, your registration online automatically enters you into the cash and gift card draws both Saturday and Sunday.  We will be giving away over $5000 in cash and cards. 

Hazards:  Please do not use the Golden Triangle Trail from the Gundy Cabin to Letter K (Hwy 32).  There are signs and fencing in place to protect you from entering a pipeline construction site.  There are 5 crossings that are being worked on in that area.  Stay off the trail!  We have had reports of numerous sledders entering that trail section.  The trail was not cleaned or groomed and is rough.   Please use the alternate route from Carson Cabin to Athabasca Lookout to the Casino, Chickadee Creek and Manweiler to Virginia Hills.  PS: We are hearing there is great riding up that way.   There are 3 other crossing that are completed, but still have signage to slow down.  Please follow the signs for your protection - they are rough and may have little snow.  Thank you to the contractors who are putting snow on the crossing and packing it down.  With the warm weather, the snow may be limited on those crossings, but rideable - please take extra caution and slow down.  River crossings are at your own risk, our trail ends at the banks.  Be cautious on all water bodies - large and small creek crossings. 

Pictures taken Sunday February 8, 2022

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