Thank-You! Our Adopt-A-Trail & Maintenance Crews!


Our Trail Maintenance & Adopt-A-Trail Crews are just a step above the rest!

! ; ; .

Doug Hay
Don Price
Chet Brewster
Jeffrey Samson
Dave & Cole Bradley
Darrell Strebchuk
Trevor Kenyon
Derek Rooks
Grant Belke
Kyle Soderquist
Aaron Munro

And of course our incredible Executive Directors that always go above and beyond

Andy Sierens
Denis Blain
David MacLeod
Sean Schulte
David Bilau
Jeff Brooks

If we missed anybody's name specifically - THANK-YOU! We appreciate you all!

Fun Fact - Did you know that our snowmobile club, annually, logs approximately 1500 Volunteer Hours on our trails!?
There is always something to clean, cut, groom, mulch, fix or replace. We appreciate when people let us know if something needs repairing or removing. And thank-you so much to all the unsung heroes that help along the way by picking up a broom/garbage in one of the cabins or picking up garbage, clearing a tree or debris along your route. You are so appreciated.


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