Thank You Woodlands County

A special thank you to Woodlands County who is a major sponsor and supporter of ours. We are fortunate to have this great partnership and we are grateful for all they have done and continue to do for the snowmobile club and riders (Local and Visitors). Luckily we are able to store our cat on their property in the winter months, utilize the Groat Creek Campground as our Staging Area, which they clear for us as well as the Eagle River Staging Area and we utilize the gravel pit and airport sections as accesses to the approximately 150kms of trails that connect to the Edson Snow Seeker's Trail. Woodlands County is a also a major funder of The Golden Triangle and they support us with Administration. The Golden Triangle is funded by 6 municipalities with an Agreement to help support the connections between Fox Creek and Swan Hills for snowmobiling/trails and promotion.

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