Thank-you to our Volunteers – Fall Clean-Up!


To ALL of our incredible and hard-working
volunteers this past weekend!

Tons of work was completed at both the
Summit & Gundy Cabins for our fall clean-up!
🍂Painting, Staining, Chinking, Window Sealing
and just general clean up at Summit!
🍂Cleanup and Mowing at Gundy!

Our club still has a bit more to complete before the snow flies 🤞🏼
But we want to give a HUGE Thank-you to everyone who made
it out and gave us a helping hand.
We couldn't have done it without you!

A special thank you to Jeff & Cindy Brooks for all that they do to just
"get things done." We appreciate you 🤗
And thank you so much to Andy Sierens with Sierens Contracting for donating their bobcat services and time to mow out at the Gundy Cabin!


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